I will put it this way. To gain strength, go with heavy weights for low reps. To gain size, such as body building, use higher reps with medium weights. Now while I have found this to be generally true, I will suggest for the general fitness enthusiast it is best to alternate both types of training as you train. One day go heavy and one day go lighter weights with higher reps. To me, this gives the best bang for the buck for the general fitness enthusiast.
Now, what do I suggest for those training for more specific goals? For someone that is training specifically for Olympic lifts or Strong Man competitions, go HEAVY. For those that are shooting to become a body builder, go lighter with more reps, but AGAIN there are caveats.
Anyone training for those specific goals still must work other types of training into specific cycles such as a strength phase and then a size gaining phase. Essentially we must all train for strength and then size gains, but HOW we go about it depends upon our specific goals.
When I am training someone as a general fitness person I mix their strength and bulking days up on a regular basis. If I am training someone for a specific goal such as body building, the program is designed to get the best result over time FOR that specific goal. Say for an upcoming competition. In this example I would start with a strength phase of say five months, then a bulking phase of 5 months and then a cutting phase of say 2 months leading up to the show. While not specific, you get the idea.
No matter what your goal in fitness, it is imperative to mix different types of training into your fitness routine. This can be on a more random schedule for the general fitness trainer, to a very regimented program for athletes focused upon a very specific goal such as body building, Olympic lifts or Strong Man.
If you want to know more, visit www.garanfitnessconsulting.com