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                                     Build the body you want.

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  Summer Is Coming Special

So my normal hourly rate for personal training in Kent, Ohio is $40 an hour, but I am running a "Summer is Coming" event where you can sign up for just $30 an hour for 36 sessions.   That's just $1,080 for 36 sessions!   I also have a $900 dollar, three month program using my online training package available for those out of the Kent, Ohio area. Get trained by a Master Fitness Trainer with over 30 years of experience helping others!

What is Garan Fitness Consulting?

Garan Fitness, is Personal Fitness Training at an Affordable Price.   I train one on one in Northeast Ohio for those in areas such as Kent, Stow, Tallmadge, Brimfield, Streetsboro and surrounding areas.   Additionally, I have an online platform where I can help clients worldwide.   With over 30 years training others, whatever your fitness goal I can help you reach it.

I am a Master Fitness Trainer, and former lead Fitness Instructor for the University of Akron’s Law Enforcement Training Center from 2000-2008 that has been helping others for over 29 years now.   I am also a Specialist in Body Building Coach, Strength and Conditioning Coach, Specialist in Fitness Nutrition, Youth Fitness Trainer, Specialist in Exercise Therapy, Nautilus certified Strength Trainer, Tactical Conditioning Coach, certified Health Coach as well as a Physical Fitness Specialist through the Ohio Police Officer Training Council.

Whether you fitness goal is building muscle, losing fat or weight, post rehab recovery, youth fitness, or for those that are, or want to be police/fire/or military, I can design a plan to get you to your goal.   Want to know more, contact me at 330-554-1345. (Afternoons and evenings are best to reach me.)

Basic Workout

Here is a quick beginners guide to starting a free workout from Garan Fitness.   This is for a whole body workout hitting each of the major muscle groups in the body.    Just pick one exercise from the list of each muscle group and complete three sets of 10 reps for that execise.   This is a great program for any beginner starting out.   Enjoy and if you need further help in workout design, do not hesitate to contact me.                                                     



                                      Choose One Exercise from Each Muscle Group

Shoulders                                                              Chest

Lateral Raise                                                               Flat Bench

Lateral Raise (4 second hold)                                     Incline DB Press

Two Way Lifts                                                               Flat DB Flyes

Two Ways Lifts (Rear)                                                 Incline DB Flyes

Military Press                                                              Cable Crossovers

Front Raises                                                                Decline DB Press

Upright Rows                                                              Decline Bench Press



Back                                                                         Legs

Wide Bar Pull Downs                                                  Squats

One Arm Pull Downs                                                   Front Squats

DD Pull Downs                                                            Body Squats

T-Bar Rows                                                                  Leg Curls

Cable Rows                                                                 Leg Extensions

DB Rows                                                                      Lunges

Low Back Machine                                                      Bench Step Ups                                  

Straight Arm Press Downs                                          Seated Calf Machine

                                                                                    Standing Calf Raise

                                                                                    Slam Balls

                                                                                    High Knees

                                                                                    Star Jumps


Biceps                                                                      Triceps

Supinated Curls                                                           Press Downs

Hammer Curls                                                `            Overhead Extensions

Concentration Curls                                                    Skull Crushers

Cable Curls (Low Pulley)                                             Jake Press

Concentration Curls                                                    Donkey Kick Backs

Scotty Cohan Curls                                                      Flip/Switch Donkey Kick Backs

Curl Machine                                                               Reverse Grip Press Down

                                                                                    Reverse Grip Press Downs (One Hand)

                                                                                    Triceps Machine



Sit Ups


Knee Huggers

Ab Board Sit Ups

Russian Twists

Russian Twists (Ab Board)


Fire Hydrants

Exercise Ball Walk Outs

Ab Wheel

Ab Machine


Note: DB =Dumbbells

                 Basic Diet Guide for Adding Muscle

For this basic diet, I recommend that you try to consume at least 1 gram of protein per pound of lean body mass on a daily basis.  Now this is contrary to what most dieticians will say, but for athletes, I feel those that do this get the best results.   Always consult your doctor before starting a fitness regimen and diet.     You can Google ways to figure out your lean body mass or contact me.   Protein provides the amino acids that are used as the building blocks of muscle protein.   Although the recommended daily allowance for protein is set at less than half a gram per pound of bodyweight for the typical person, research shows that athletes, especially those concerned with muscle mass and strength, need roughly double that amount.

Your protein choices should come mainly from lean animal proteins such as chicken, turkey, beef, fish, eggs and dairy.   These are the most complete protein sources, meaning they provide your body with every essential amino acid that your body cannot manufacture on its own.   I also recommend that you add in at least one protein drink a day.   You can either do a powder that you mix, or the pre-mixed ones that you can find almost anywhere.   Shoot for one that provides 25-30 grams of protein per shake.


As to Carbs, eat about 2-3 grams of carbohydrates per pound of lean body weight each day. Protein is the most critical macronutrient for muscle growth, with carbohydrates a close second.   Carbs are stored in your muscles as glycogen and both keep your muscles full and large and are the fuel for your workouts.

So Carb timing is something most trainers don’t discuss, but it can be beneficial.  Eat a slow digesting Carb 30 minutes before your workout and mainly fast digesting carbs after you workout.   You should select slower-burning carbs for most meals, including before you train. Research shows that when athletes eat slower-digesting Carbs, they not only have more energy and less fatigue during exercise but they burn more fat while training, and experience less hunger throughout the day.    Good slow burning Carbs include fruits, whole-grain bread and oatmeal.

After your workouts, choose a faster-digesting Carb, such as white bread, a plain bagel or baked potato or a sports drink. This will spike the levels the hormone insulin which is highly anabolic, and drives the Carbs you eat into your muscle cells, where they’ll be stored as glycogen to be used for your next workout.   Insulin also helps amino acids get into the muscle cells to build muscle protein. It’s critical to delivering creatine to the muscles increasing muscle protein synthesis, one of the major processes by which muscle fibers grow.  Creatine is a naturally occurring substance in the body.   Normally, you want to keep insulin levels in check for a general health, but immediately following a hard training session is one time when an insulin spike is desirable.   In fact, I tell my people that if you like candy, THAT would be the time to have it.   Right after your workout!   Still limit it to avoid putting on excess fat!   A piece of chocolate after a hard workout would be perfect.

For most meals, stick with slow-digesting carb sources such as whole grains, oatmeal, sweet potatoes, beans, fruit and vegetables.


Regarding fats, About 20%-30% of your total daily calories should come from fat. And unlike the sedentary general population who are advised to eliminate their saturated fat intake, 5%-10% of your fat calories should be saturated because higher-fat diets (particularly those higher in monounsaturated and saturated fats) appear to maintain testosterone levels better than low-fat diets. Maintaining optimal levels of testosterone, is paramount for building muscles and strength and for avoiding fat gain.   Now, if you have high cholesterol let me know and we can make adjustments.   I always say…”all things in moderation.”

Choose red meats such as steak and ground beef for your saturated fats (these also provide quality proteins); avocados, mixed nuts, olive oil, olives and peanut butter for monounsaturated fats; and fatty fish (salmon, trout, catfish), flaxseed oil and walnuts as good sources of essential, omega-3 polyunsaturated fats.


To build muscle, consume 20 calories per pound of lean bodyweight per day. We may have to adjust this over time.   You must stay in a positive calorie balance (taking in more calories than you burn) to gain quality mass, but that is a fine line we must walk.   If you burn more calories than you consume (a negative balance), your body will go into survival mode fearing the next ice age, and won’t support new muscle growth.   There are 9 calories per gram of fat and only four for proteins and Carbs so if we don’t eat enough Carbs, our metabolism will slow.   We don’t want that.

Now, for our first phase of training I suggest focusing on building your base of more muscle.   You will probably put on a little extra fat, but don’t worry.   Once we build that base, we can go into a cutting phase and while losing some of that hard gained muscle, you will still be losing more fat and get leaner.   It is a tight rope to walk, but I can get you through it.


Eat a meal that contains quality protein and carbs every 2-3 hours to ensure a steady supply of energy and amino acids for muscle growth all day long, helping you gain mass and stay lean. The key is to keep every meal approximately the same size.    If you pig out with a 1,200-calorie lunch, you’ll be less likely to eat 2-3 hours later and liable to gain the wrong kind of weight, since calories in excess of what the body can process at a given time are often stored as body fat.   Aim for at least five or six meals per day spread out over the time you get up, and go to sleep.   I don’t actually like to use the word meal, but instead like the term feeding.  Now, while that is our goal, I don’t expect you to go from eating 2 meals a day to 6.   Your body simply won’t adjust.   So, if you currently eat 2 meals a day, add a third.   Once your body adjusts to that, add a 4th and so on.   Changing lifestyle habits take time.

Your Meal does not have to be a full meal, but can be something simple like a protein source and some side like a vegetable or fruit.   For instance, it could be a half a chicken breast and perhaps some baby carrots and a small amount of ranch dressing.   Don’t try to over think this in the beginning as over time, you can make minor adjustments depending upon your progress.   I do not expect you to be super-athlete in one day.


Before going to bed every night, consume 30-40 grams of a micellar casein protein shake or 1 cup of low-fat cottage cheese, as well as 2-3 tablespoons of flaxseed oil, 2 ounces of mixed nuts or 2-3 tablespoons of peanut butter. When you sleep, you essentially fast for 7-9 hours (or for however long you sleep). With no food available, the body goes to your muscle fibers for amino acids to fuel your brain. For the individual looking to get bigger and leaner, this is not a good thing. The answer isn’t to get less sleep but rather to eat the proper foods immediately before bedtime. Slow-digesting proteins and healthy fats are your best bet.   These foods help slow digestion and provide a steady supply of amino acids for fuel, thereby minimizing the body’s tendency to use muscle as a source of fuel.    Casein, the major protein in milk, is a good option – either from a protein shake or 1 cup of low-fat cottage cheese.   GNC has a relatively cheap casein protein you can mix as your bed time snack.   I use it myself.   I look at Whey protein as something that gets into the bloodstream quickly while the casein proteins have a kind of trickle affect slowly feeding the body.


This will hopefully give you a guide as to how to change your diet.   Now, this is simply a guide from my own experiences.   I am NOT a dietician, so if you have questions and concerns, seek a dietician out to help you with those questions.


If you are in Northeast Ohio, or the Kent, Stow, Brimfield or Akron Ohio Region, or want to train online contact me at, or    I Can get you the progress you are seeking.   With over 26 years helping others I am the real deal.



Women in Fitness Clothes


What People Are Saying

I’d love to hear your feedback. Get in touch today.

Ive been training for 3 weeks now. I like that he’s super close and located right in Kent, has fun but hard workouts prepared, and works with people who struggle with health issues. He’s very open about his life as well which helps you feel more welcome. You feel more welcome. (Plus side: there is also a gym cat!)



125 W. Williams St. 
Kent, Oh 44240


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